[message]The keto and low-carb world is choc full of words, acronyms and abbreviations that you may not have heard before. Particularly online.
Get in the know with this simple list of terms:
AS - Short for Artificial Sweetener. These are typically avoided on a ketogenic diet, instead opting for natural sweeteners like monkfruit or stevia.
ACV - Short for Apple Cider Vinegar.
ALA – Alpha-linolenic acid. Type of Omega 3 Fatty acid found nuts and seeds.
Allium vegetables – a genus of monocotyledonous flowering plants. These include onion, garlic, leek, scallions, green onion, garlic chives and more.
BF% - Short for Body Fat Percentage
BG - Short for Blood Glucose
BHB – Beta-hydroxybutyrate. The most prevalent ketone that’s used in our body for energy. The main ingredient of exogenous ketones (which are not needed).
BPF - Short for bullet proof coffee, a high fat coffee drink usually fat forfeited with butter or oil. The drink helps users to produce ketones.
Cal - Short for calories
Carbs - Short for Carbohydrates, the only non-essential macro-nutrient.
Carnivore - Variation of ketogenic diet that only allows meat and eggs Followers typically do not track carbohydrates, other macro-nutrients or total calories consumed.
CICO - Short for calories in, calories out.
CKD - Short for Cyclical Keto Diet. Followers typically carb load (ingest large amounts of carbs) for 1-2 days to replenish glycogen stores before undertaking intense or HIIT workouts.
CLA – Conjugated linoleic acid. Type of Omega 6 Fatty Acid
Cruciferous vegetables – vegetables in the family Brassicaceae. These include kale, radish, collard greens, horseradish, cauliflower, broccoli, bok choy, arugula and more.
CW - Short for current weight
DHA – Docosahexaenoic acid. Type of Omega 3 Fatty acid.
Dirty Keto - Variation of the keto diet that allows any food as long as they fit a carbohydrate goal, usually less than 20 grams net per day. Dirty Keto allows processed and unhealthy foods. Followers do not track other macro-nutrients (protein and fat) or total calories consumed.
EFA – Essential fatty acid. These are fatty acids that cannot by synthesized by humans.
EPA – Eicosapentaenoic acid. Type of Omega 3 Fatty acid
Fat bomb - High fat, low carb snack
FYM - Stands for Fits Your Macros
GI - Short for Glycemic Index
GLA – Gamma-linolenic acid. Type of Omega 6 Fatty Acid
Gluconeogenesis – the biochemical process of breaking down amino acids into glucose.
Glycolysis – the biochemical process of breaking down glucose into energy.
Grass-fed, grass finished - Refers to meat from animals that have only eaten grass during their entire life. As opposed to meat to..
Grass-fed - Refers to meat from animals that have eaten grass at some point in their life, but not necessarily their entire life. Some meat manufactures have been know to fatten animals with grain prior to slaughter.
GW - Short for Goal Weight
HF - Short for High Fat.
HIIT - Short for High Intensity Interval Training
HW - Short for Heigest Weight
HWC – Heavy whipping cream. Often used in place of milk and other liquid dairies on a ketogenic diet due to high-fat content.
IBS - Short for Irritable Bowl Syndrome
IF - Short for Intermittent Fasting. Fasting in intervals, for example, 16 hours fasting and an 8-hour eating window.
Insoluble fibre – attracts water into your stool, making it softer and easier to pass.
IR - Short for Insulin Resistance. When the body builds a resistance to producing sufficient insulin, resulting in high blood glucose levels.
Keto - Short for Ketosis. Refers to a diet (and way of life) where the goal is to remain in persistent ketosis
Ketone – the alternate fuel your body will use when glucose is not available, typically through restriction of carbs.
Ketosis – a state that the body enters when there is no carbohydrates for energy. Also occurs during times of no food intake.
Lazy Keto - Variation of the Keto diet that focuses solely on the amount of carbs consumed. Followers typically eat under 20 grams of carbohydrates per day and do not track other macro-nutrients (protein and fat) or total calories consumed.
LBM - Short for Lean Body Mass
LCHF - Stands for Low Carb Healthy Fat (also Low Carb High Fat). Followers focus on reducing carbs, not nesearliy putting their body into ketotis.
Macros - Short for Macro-nutrients i.e. Carbohydrate, Fat and Protein.
MCT - Short for Medium Chain Triglcerides, a super healthy oil found in coconuts. Bypasses the usual digestion and is transported directly to the liver to make ketones.
Micro – Micronutrients. The vitamins and minerals that are in our foods.
NC - Short for Net Carbs
Nightshade vegetables – the Solanaceae family of flowing plants. These include tomato, tomatillo, eggplant, potato, goji berries, all peppers varieties.
NSV - Short for Non-scale Victory
N=1 – An experiment that only involves 1 subject, usually themselves.
OMAD - Short for One Meal A Day, a variation of intermittent fasting where followers only eat one (typically large) meal each day.
PCOS - Short for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. A condtion know to improve on the keto diet.
RDA - Short for Recommended Daily Allowance
Root vegetables - Potato, turnip, yam, rutabaga and more.
SA - Short for Sugar Alcohols - A variety of sweetener often associated with diarreah, flatualnce and other gastric issues.
SF - Short for Sugar Free
SAD - Short for Standard American (Australian) Diet
SKD - Short for Standard Keto Diet
Soluble fiber – dissolves, creating a gel that may aid in digestion. This slows digestion and makes you full longer.
Strict Keto - Variation of the Keto diet that also excludes all inflammatory, starchy and processed foods. Followers typically eat under 20 grams of carbohydrates per day, and track other macro-nutrients (protein and fat) and total calories consumed. Most / all carbs come from low carb vegetables. Followers typically opt for organic vegetables and grass-fed, grass finished meat.
SW - Short for Starting Weight
Tubers – root vegetables. These include potato, turnip, yam, rutabaga and more.
T1D - Short for Type 1 Diabetes
T2D - Short for Type 2 Diabetes
Vegan Keto - Variation of the keto diet that excludes all animal products.
WOE - Short for Way of Eating. Keto followers often prefer to refer to the Keto WOE as opposed to the Keto diet as the word diet often conjures negative associations of restriction.
WOE - Short for Way of Life. Keto followers often prefer to refer to the Keto WOL as opposed to the Keto diet as the word diet often conjures negative associations of restriction.
2MAD - Short for Two Meals A Day, a variation of intermittent fasting where followers only eat two meals each day.